303960: CF762B. USB vs. PS/2

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USB vs. PS/2


你要去购买鼠标,要尽可能少花钱。 其中有 $a$ 台电脑只有 $\texttt{USB}$ 端口,有 $b$ 台电脑只有 $\texttt{PS/2}$ 端口,还有一些这两种端口都有。 电脑商店共有 $m$ 个鼠标,都指定了鼠标的价钱和端口类型($\texttt{USB}$ 或 $\texttt{PS/2}$)。且每个鼠标只能购买一次。 你想在这里购买一些鼠标, 要装有鼠标的计算机尽可能多(不能保证你能装备所有的计算机),而且在装有鼠标的计算机最多的情况下,让购买的鼠标的总价钱最小。


Due to the increase in the number of students of Berland State University it was decided to equip a new computer room. You were given the task of buying mouses, and you have to spend as little as possible. After all, the country is in crisis! The computers bought for the room were different. Some of them had only USB ports, some — only PS/2 ports, and some had both options. You have found a price list of a certain computer shop. In it, for $ m $ mouses it is specified the cost and the type of the port that is required to plug the mouse in (USB or PS/2). Each mouse from the list can be bought at most once. You want to buy some set of mouses from the given price list in such a way so that you maximize the number of computers equipped with mouses (it is not guaranteed that you will be able to equip all of the computers), and in case of equality of this value you want to minimize the total cost of mouses you will buy.



The first line contains three integers $ a $ , $ b $ and $ c $ ( $ 0<=a,b,c<=10^{5} $ ) — the number of computers that only have USB ports, the number of computers, that only have PS/2 ports, and the number of computers, that have both options, respectively. The next line contains one integer $ m $ ( $ 0<=m<=3·10^{5} $ ) — the number of mouses in the price list. The next $ m $ lines each describe another mouse. The $ i $ -th line contains first integer $ val_{i} $ ( $ 1<=val_{i}<=10^{9} $ ) — the cost of the $ i $ -th mouse, then the type of port (USB or PS/2) that is required to plug the mouse in.


Output two integers separated by space — the number of equipped computers and the total cost of the mouses you will buy.


输入样例 #1

2 1 1
6 PS/2
3 PS/2
7 PS/2

输出样例 #1

3 14


In the first example you can buy the first three mouses. This way you will equip one of the computers that has only a USB port with a USB mouse, and the two PS/2 mouses you will plug into the computer with PS/2 port and the computer with both ports.



你要去购买鼠标,要尽可能少花钱。 其中有 $a$ 台电脑只有 $\texttt{USB}$ 端口,有 $b$ 台电脑只有 $\texttt{PS/2}$ 端口,还有一些这两种端口都有。 电脑商店共有 $m$ 个鼠标,都指定了鼠标的价钱和端口类型($\texttt{USB}$ 或 $\texttt{PS/2}$)。且每个鼠标只能购买一次。 你想在这里购买一些鼠标, 要装有鼠标的计算机尽可能多(不能保证你能装备所有的计算机),而且在装有鼠标的计算机最多的情况下,让购买的鼠标的总价钱最小。


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