303758: CF725D. Contest Balloons

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Contest Balloons


ACM比赛,大家都知道。AC一题会有一个气球。 现在有$n(2<=n<=300000)$ 支队伍,每支队伍的重量是$w_i$ ,拥有$t_i$ 个气球$(w_i,t_i<=10^{18})$ ,当一支队伍的气球个数比它的重量都要大时,这个队伍就会飘起来,从而被取消比赛资格。 现在你带领的是1号队,你希望你队伍的名次尽可能靠前,你是个有原则的人,不会偷气球,但你可以把气球送给别的队伍,让他们飞起来。 求最终你的队伍所获得的最好名次 # 输入输出格式 ### 输入格式 第一行:一个正整数$n(2<=n<=300000)$ ,队伍的总数 第二行到第$n+1$ 行:每行两个整数$t_i,w_i(0<=t_i<=w_i<=10^{18})$ ,分别表示第$i$ 个队伍气球的个数以及它的重量。你的队伍是1号队。 ### 输出格式 仅有一行,输出你带领的队伍能够达到的最好名次 感谢@2016wudi 提供的翻译


One tradition of ACM-ICPC contests is that a team gets a balloon for every solved problem. We assume that the submission time doesn't matter and teams are sorted only by the number of balloons they have. It means that one's place is equal to the number of teams with more balloons, increased by $ 1 $ . For example, if there are seven teams with more balloons, you get the eight place. Ties are allowed. You should know that it's important to eat before a contest. If the number of balloons of a team is greater than the weight of this team, the team starts to float in the air together with their workstation. They eventually touch the ceiling, what is strictly forbidden by the rules. The team is then disqualified and isn't considered in the standings. A contest has just finished. There are $ n $ teams, numbered $ 1 $ through $ n $ . The $ i $ -th team has $ t_{i} $ balloons and weight $ w_{i} $ . It's guaranteed that $ t_{i} $ doesn't exceed $ w_{i} $ so nobody floats initially. Limak is a member of the first team. He doesn't like cheating and he would never steal balloons from other teams. Instead, he can give his balloons away to other teams, possibly making them float. Limak can give away zero or more balloons of his team. Obviously, he can't give away more balloons than his team initially has. What is the best place Limak can get?



The first line of the standard input contains one integer $ n $ ( $ 2<=n<=300000 $ ) — the number of teams. The $ i $ -th of $ n $ following lines contains two integers $ t_{i} $ and $ w_{i} $ ( $ 0<=t_{i}<=w_{i}<=10^{18} $ ) — respectively the number of balloons and the weight of the $ i $ -th team. Limak is a member of the first team.


Print one integer denoting the best place Limak can get.


输入样例 #1

20 1000
32 37
40 1000
45 50
16 16
16 16
14 1000
2 1000

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
5 5

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

14000000003 1000000000000000000
81000000000 88000000000
5000000000 7000000000
15000000000 39000000000
46000000000 51000000000
0 1000000000
0 0

输出样例 #3



In the first sample, Limak has $ 20 $ balloons initially. There are three teams with more balloons ( $ 32 $ , $ 40 $ and $ 45 $ balloons), so Limak has the fourth place initially. One optimal strategy is: 1. Limak gives $ 6 $ balloons away to a team with $ 32 $ balloons and weight $ 37 $ , which is just enough to make them fly. Unfortunately, Limak has only $ 14 $ balloons now and he would get the fifth place. 2. Limak gives $ 6 $ balloons away to a team with $ 45 $ balloons. Now they have $ 51 $ balloons and weight $ 50 $ so they fly and get disqualified. 3. Limak gives $ 1 $ balloon to each of two teams with $ 16 $ balloons initially. 4. Limak has $ 20-6-6-1-1=6 $ balloons. 5. There are three other teams left and their numbers of balloons are $ 40 $ , $ 14 $ and $ 2 $ . 6. Limak gets the third place because there are two teams with more balloons. In the second sample, Limak has the second place and he can't improve it. In the third sample, Limak has just enough balloons to get rid of teams $ 2 $ , $ 3 $ and $ 5 $ (the teams with $ 81000000000 $ , $ 5000000000 $ and $ 46000000000 $ balloons respectively). With zero balloons left, he will get the second place (ex-aequo with team $ 6 $ and team $ 7 $ ).



ACM比赛,大家都知道。AC一题会有一个气球。 现在有$n(2<=n<=300000)$ 支队伍,每支队伍的重量是$w_i$ ,拥有$t_i$ 个气球$(w_i,t_i<=10^{18})$ ,当一支队伍的气球个数比它的重量都要大时,这个队伍就会飘起来,从而被取消比赛资格。 现在你带领的是1号队,你希望你队伍的名次尽可能靠前,你是个有原则的人,不会偷气球,但你可以把气球送给别的队伍,让他们飞起来。 求最终你的队伍所获得的最好名次 # 输入输出格式 ### 输入格式 第一行:一个正整数$n(2<=n<=300000)$ ,队伍的总数 第二行到第$n+1$ 行:每行两个整数$t_i,w_i(0<=t_i<=w_i<=10^{18})$ ,分别表示第$i$ 个队伍气球的个数以及它的重量。你的队伍是1号队。 ### 输出格式 仅有一行,输出你带领的队伍能够达到的最好名次 感谢@2016wudi 提供的翻译

