301518: CF286E. Ladies' Shop

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Ladies' Shop


记 $f(S)=\sum\limits_{x\in S}x$,给定大小为 $n$ 的不可重集 $S$,求其最小的子集 $T$,使得 $\forall x\in S$,$\exists T'\subset T$,$f(T')=x$,且 $\forall T'\subset T$,$f(T')\in S$ 或 $f(T')>m$。 这里的 $\subset$ 关系指的是 $\forall x\in T',x\in T$,$T'$ 为可重集。


A ladies' shop has recently opened in the city of Ultima Thule. To get ready for the opening, the shop bought $ n $ bags. Each bag is characterised by the total weight $ a_{i} $ of the items you can put there. The weird thing is, you cannot use these bags to put a set of items with the total weight strictly less than $ a_{i} $ . However the weights of the items that will be sold in the shop haven't yet been defined. That's what you should determine right now. Your task is to find the set of the items' weights $ p_{1},p_{2},...,p_{k} $ $ (1<=p_{1}<p_{2}<...<p_{k}) $ , such that: 1. Any bag will be used. That is, for any $ i $ $ (1<=i<=n) $ there will be such set of items that their total weight will equal $ a_{i} $ . We assume that there is the infinite number of items of any weight. You can put multiple items of the same weight in one bag. 2. For any set of items that have total weight less than or equal to $ m $ , there is a bag into which you can put this set. Similarly, a set of items can contain multiple items of the same weight. 3. Of all sets of the items' weights that satisfy points 1 and 2, find the set with the minimum number of weights. In other words, value $ k $ should be as small as possible. Find and print the required set.



The first line contains space-separated integers $ n $ and $ m $ ( $ 1<=n,m<=10^{6} $ ). The second line contains $ n $ distinct space-separated integers $ a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} $ ( $ 1<=a_{1}<a_{2}<...<a_{n}<=m $ ) — the bags' weight limits.


In the first line print "NO" (without the quotes) if there isn't set $ p_{i} $ , that would meet the conditions. Otherwise, in the first line print "YES" (without the quotes), in the second line print an integer $ k $ (showing how many numbers are in the suitable set with the minimum number of weights), in the third line print $ k $ space-separated integers $ p_{1},p_{2},...,p_{k} $ $ (1<=p_{1}<p_{2}<...<p_{k}) $ . If there are multiple solutions, print any of them.


输入样例 #1

6 10
5 6 7 8 9 10

输出样例 #1

5 6 7 8 9 

输入样例 #2

1 10

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

1 10

输出样例 #3




记 $f(S)=\sum\limits_{x\in S}x$,给定大小为 $n$ 的不可重集 $S$,求其最小的子集 $T$,使得 $\forall x\in S$,$\exists T'\subset T$,$f(T')=x$,且 $\forall T'\subset T$,$f(T')\in S$ 或 $f(T')>m$。 这里的 $\subset$ 关系指的是 $\forall x\in T',x\in T$,$T'$ 为可重集。

