300810: CF155A. I_love_%username%

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Vasya很喜欢一个coder,他喜欢看那个coder的节目,那个coder每次编程可以得到一个非负分数(不超过10000),而有两种情况能使Vasya惊讶: ·coder得到的分数完全大于过去的分数; ·coder得到的分数完全小于过去的分数。 注意:第一次得到的分数不会使人惊讶。 给定coder编程次数n,给定每次编程得到的分数,请你求出Vasya的惊讶次数。 ~~看着题面上好像没有介绍输入输出和数据范围就来多嘴一句~~ ## 输入输出格式 **输入格式:** 第一行包括一个整数n(1<=n<=1000),代表coder参加比赛时的编码数量; 第二行包括了n个用空格分开的整数,即coder每一个编码在比赛中的得分(得分均不超过10000); **输出格式:** 输出一行,包括一个整数,代表整场比赛中Vasya被coder惊讶到的总次数; 由 @strike 提供翻译


Vasya adores sport programming. He can't write programs but he loves to watch the contests' progress. Vasya even has a favorite coder and Vasya pays special attention to him. One day Vasya decided to collect the results of all contests where his favorite coder participated and track the progress of his coolness. For each contest where this coder participated, he wrote out a single non-negative number — the number of points his favorite coder earned in the contest. Vasya wrote out the points for the contest in the order, in which the contests run (naturally, no two contests ran simultaneously). Vasya considers a coder's performance in a contest amazing in two situations: he can break either his best or his worst performance record. First, it is amazing if during the contest the coder earns strictly more points that he earned on each past contest. Second, it is amazing if during the contest the coder earns strictly less points that he earned on each past contest. A coder's first contest isn't considered amazing. Now he wants to count the number of amazing performances the coder had throughout his whole history of participating in contests. But the list of earned points turned out long and Vasya can't code... That's why he asks you to help him.



The first line contains the single integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=1000 $ ) — the number of contests where the coder participated. The next line contains $ n $ space-separated non-negative integer numbers — they are the points which the coder has earned. The points are given in the chronological order. All points do not exceed $ 10000 $ .


Print the single number — the number of amazing performances the coder has had during his whole history of participating in the contests.


输入样例 #1

100 50 200 150 200

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

4664 6496 5814 7010 5762 5736 6944 4850 3698 7242

输出样例 #2



In the first sample the performances number 2 and 3 are amazing. In the second sample the performances number 2, 4, 9 and 10 are amazing.



Vasya很喜欢一个coder,他喜欢看那个coder的节目,那个coder每次编程可以得到一个非负分数(不超过10000),而有两种情况能使Vasya惊讶: ·coder得到的分数完全大于过去的分数; ·coder得到的分数完全小于过去的分数。 注意:第一次得到的分数不会使人惊讶。 给定coder编程次数n,给定每次编程得到的分数,请你求出Vasya的惊讶次数。 ~~看着题面上好像没有介绍输入输出和数据范围就来多嘴一句~~ ## 输入输出格式 **输入格式:** 第一行包括一个整数n(1<=n<=1000),代表coder参加比赛时的编码数量; 第二行包括了n个用空格分开的整数,即coder每一个编码在比赛中的得分(得分均不超过10000); **输出格式:** 输出一行,包括一个整数,代表整场比赛中Vasya被coder惊讶到的总次数; 由 @strike 提供翻译


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