300760: CF144C. Anagram Search

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Anagram Search


若字符串 $s$ 在交换字母顺序后可以得到 $t$,则称两个串是“相似”的($s$ 为 $t$ 的 anagram)。 给定由小写字母与“?”组成的字符串 $s$ 和由小写字母组成的字符串 $t$。定义一个字符串是好的,当且仅当这个串存在某种将每个“?”替换为一个小写字母的方式,使它与 $p$ 相似(是 $p$ 的 anagram)。问 $s$ 有多少子串是好的(两子串不同当且仅当它们在 $s$ 中的开始位置或终止位置不同)。 ### 输入格式 两行,每行一个字符串,分别为 $s,t$。 ### 输出格式 一行一个整数,代表 $s$ 的好的子串的数量。


A string $ t $ is called an anagram of the string $ s $ , if it is possible to rearrange letters in $ t $ so that it is identical to the string $ s $ . For example, the string "aab" is an anagram of the string "aba" and the string "aaa" is not. The string $ t $ is called a substring of the string $ s $ if it can be read starting from some position in the string $ s $ . For example, the string "aba" has six substrings: "a", "b", "a", "ab", "ba", "aba". You are given a string $ s $ , consisting of lowercase Latin letters and characters "?". You are also given a string $ p $ , consisting of lowercase Latin letters only. Let's assume that a string is good if you can obtain an anagram of the string $ p $ from it, replacing the "?" characters by Latin letters. Each "?" can be replaced by exactly one character of the Latin alphabet. For example, if the string $ p $ = «aba», then the string "a??" is good, and the string «?bc» is not. Your task is to find the number of good substrings of the string $ s $ (identical substrings must be counted in the answer several times).



The first line is non-empty string $ s $ , consisting of no more than $ 10^{5} $ lowercase Latin letters and characters "?". The second line is non-empty string $ p $ , consisting of no more than $ 10^{5} $ lowercase Latin letters. Please note that the length of the string $ p $ can exceed the length of the string $ s $ .


Print the single number representing the number of good substrings of string $ s $ . Two substrings are considered different in their positions of occurrence are different. Thus, if some string occurs several times, then it should be counted the same number of times.


输入样例 #1


输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2


输出样例 #2



Consider the first sample test. Here the string $ s $ has two good substrings: "b??" (after we replace the question marks we get "baa"), "???" (after we replace the question marks we get "baa"). Let's consider the second sample test. Here the string $ s $ has two good substrings: "ab?" ("?" can be replaced by "c"), "b?c" ("?" can be replaced by "a").



若字符串 $s$ 在交换字母顺序后可以得到 $t$,则称两个串是“相似”的($s$ 为 $t$ 的 anagram)。 给定由小写字母与“?”组成的字符串 $s$ 和由小写字母组成的字符串 $t$。定义一个字符串是好的,当且仅当这个串存在某种将每个“?”替换为一个小写字母的方式,使它与 $p$ 相似(是 $p$ 的 anagram)。问 $s$ 有多少子串是好的(两子串不同当且仅当它们在 $s$ 中的开始位置或终止位置不同)。 ### 输入格式 两行,每行一个字符串,分别为 $s,t$。 ### 输出格式 一行一个整数,代表 $s$ 的好的子串的数量。

