201521: [AtCoder]ARC152 B - Pass on Path

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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

There is a narrow straight road of length $L$ stretching east to west. Two travelers will visit this road. Along the road, there are $N$ rest areas. The distance from the west end of the road to the $i$-th rest area is $a_i$ (no rest area is at either end of the road). The road is so narrow that the two travelers cannot pass each other or walk side by side except at the rest areas.

The two travelers will take a trip along the road as follows.

  • At time $0$, each traveler starts at a rest area of their choice (the two may start at the same rest area). Then, each visits both ends of the road, and returns to their own starting rest area.

During the trip, they can walk along the road at a speed of at most $1$, or rest at a rest area. As long as they only pass each other at the rest areas, it is always allowed to change direction. What is the smallest number of seconds needed for both travelers to visit both ends of the road and return to their starting rest areas? It can be proved that the answer is always an integer under the Constraints of this problem.


  • $1 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^5$
  • $1 \leq L \leq 10^9$
  • $0 < a_1 < a_2 < \ldots < a_N < L$
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $L$
$a_1$ $a_2$ $\ldots$ $a_N$


Print the answer as an integer.

Sample Input 1

2 6
2 5

Sample Output 1


Let us name the travelers A and B. Also, call the $i$-th rest area simply rest area $i$. Here is a possible trip.

At the beginning, A starts at rest area $1$ walking to the east, and B starts at rest area $2$ walking to the east, both at a speed of $1$, planning to visit the east end first and then the west end. Then, two seconds later, B is back at rest area $2$ after visiting the east end, but A is still halfway between rest areas $1$ and $2$. If B rests here for one second, A will also arrive at rest area $2$, where they can pass each other.

Afterward, if they continue to walk at a speed of $1$ and A rests at rest area $1$ for two seconds, B will be back at the starting rest area at time $13$, and A will be back at time $14$, completing the trip.

This trip turns out to be optimal: the answer is $14$.

Sample Input 2

2 3
1 2

Sample Output 2


In this case, an optimal trip will allow both travelers to keep walking at a speed of $1$ without resting.



有一条长度为 $L$ 的东西走向的小路,有两个旅行者要在这条小路上行走,路上有 $n$ 个休息站,第 $i$ 个休息站到小路最西端的距离为 $a_i$(道路两端尽头处没有休息站),这条小路很窄所以两位旅行者**除了在休息站**不能在小路上彼此穿过或并行。 现在两人各自先任意选一个出发点(可以相同),在 $0$ 时刻出发,以每秒最高为 $1$ 的速度行走,到达路的东西两侧(不分先后顺序,但两边都要到),最后回到各自的出发点,中间可以在任意休息站停留任意时间或调转方向,问两人从出发到最终回到各自起始点最少需要多长时间?

