201343: [AtCoder]ARC134 D - Concatenate Subsequences

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Score : $600$ points

Problem Statement

Given is an integer sequence $a$ of length $2N$.

Snuke is going to make a sequence using a non-empty (not necessarily contiguous) subsequence $x=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_k)$ of $(1,2, \ldots, N)$. The sequence will be made by extracting and concatenating the $x_1$-th, $x_2$-th, $\ldots$, $x_k$-th, $(x_{1}+N)$-th, $\ldots$, $(x_{k}+N)$-th elements of $a$ in this order.

Find the lexicographically smallest sequence that Snuke can make.

Lexicographical order on sequences

Here is the algorithm to determine the lexicographical order between different sequences $S$ and $T$.

Below, let $S_i$ denote the $i$-th element of $S$. Also, if $S$ is lexicographically smaller than $T$, we will denote that fact as $S \lt T$; if $S$ is lexicographically larger than $T$, we will denote that fact as $S \gt T$.

  1. Let $L$ be the smaller of the lengths of $S$ and $T$. For each $i=1,2,\dots,L$, we check whether $S_i$ and $T_i$ are the same.
  2. If there is an $i$ such that $S_i \neq T_i$, let $j$ be the smallest such $i$. Then, we compare $S_j$ and $T_j$. If $S_j$ is smaller than $T_j$ in numerical order, we determine that $S \lt T$ and quit; if $S_j$ is greater than $T_j$, we determine that $S \gt T$ and quit.
  3. If there is no $i$ such that $S_i \neq T_i$, we compare the lengths of $S$ and $T$. If $S$ is shorter than $T$, we determine that $S \lt T$ and quit; if $S$ is longer than $T$, we determine that $S \gt T$ and quit.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • $1 \leq N \leq 10^5$
  • $1 \leq a_i \leq 10^9$


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$a_{1}$ $\cdots$ $a_{2N}$


Print the lexicographically smallest sequence that Snuke can make.

Sample Input 1

2 1 3 1 2 2

Sample Output 1

1 2
  • We choose $x = (2)$.
  • Then, the resulting sequence will be $(1,2)$, the lexicographically smallest possible result.

Sample Input 2

38 38 80 62 62 67 38 78 74 52 53 77 59 83 74 63 80 61 68 55

Sample Output 2

38 38 38 52 53 77 80 55

Sample Input 3

52 73 49 63 55 74 35 68 22 22 74 50 71 60 52 62 65 54 70 59 65 54 60 52

Sample Output 3

22 22 50 65 54 52



给定一个长度为 $2N$ 的正整数序列 $a$,你需要在前 $N$ 个数中删除若干个数(不能全删),如果删除了第 $i$ 个数,那么第 $i+N$ 个数也会被删除,求出在所有的删除方案中,最终留下的数列字典序最小的方案,输出最后留下的数列。


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