201212: [AtCoder]ARC121 C - Odd Even Sort

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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

Given is a sequence $p$ which is a permutation of $(1,2, \ldots, N)$. Initially, the $n$-th term of $p$ is $p_{n}$.

Your objective is to sort $p$ in ascending order in at most $N^2$ operations. In one operation, you make the following change on $p$:

  • In the $1$-st, $3$-rd, and subsequent odd-numbered operations, you choose an odd number $n$ between $1$ and $N-1$ (inclusive) to swap $p_n$ and $p_{n+1}$.
  • In the $2$-nd, $4$-th, and subsequent even-numbered operations, you choose an even number $n$ between $2$ and $N-1$ (inclusive) to swap $p_n$ and $p_{n+1}$.

We can prove that the objective is always achievable under the Constraints of this problem. Find one sequence of operations that achieves the objective.

You will be given $T$ test cases and asked to solve each of them.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • $1 \leq T \leq 250$
  • $2 \leq N \leq 500$
  • $1 \leq p_i \leq N$
  • $p$ is a permutation of $(1,2,\ldots,N)$.
  • In one input file, the sum of $N$ does not exceed $500$.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


Each case is in the following format:

$p_1$ $\cdots$ $p_N$


For each of the $T$ test cases, in the order they are given, print your answer in the following format:

$a_1$ $\cdots$ $a_M$

Here, $M$ represents the length of your sequence of operations, and $a_i$ represents the integer you choose in the $i$-th operation.

Your output will be considered correct if, for every test case, your sequence of operations achieves the objective.

Sample Input 1

2 1 3 5 4
1 2

Sample Output 1

1 4

  • Here is the description for the $1$-st test case.
    • Choosing $1$ in the $1$-st operation makes $p = (1,2,3,5,4)$.
    • Choosing $4$ in the $2$-nd operation makes $p = (1,2,3,4,5)$.
    • Note that although $(1,4)$ is a valid sequence of operations, $(4, 1)$ is not.
  • Also note that it is allowed to perform no operation, and it is not required to minimize the number of operations.



给出一个长度为 $n$ 的排列 $p$。 你可以进行最多 $n^2$ 次操作,对于第 $i$ 次操作: - $i$ 为奇数,则你必须选择一个奇数位置 $q$,交换 $p_q$ 和 $p_{q + 1}$。 - $i$ 为偶数,则你必须选择一个偶数位置 $q$,交换 $p_q$ 和 $p_{q + 1}$。 询问你将排列变为升序的方案。如果有多种方案任意输出一种即可。 本题共有 $T$ 组数据。 ——by hswfwkj


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