201194: [AtCoder]ARC119 E - Pancakes

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Score: $800$ points

Problem Statement

We have a pancake tower which is a pile of $N$ pancakes. Initially, the $i$-th pancake from the top $(1 \leq i \leq N)$ has a size of $A_i$. Takahashi, a chef, can do the following operation at most once.

  • Choose integers $l$ and $r$ $(1 \leq l \lt r \leq N)$ and turn the $l$-th through $r$-th pancakes upside down, reversing the order.

Find the minimum possible ugliness of the tower after the operation is done (or not), defined below:

the ugliness is the sum of the differences of the sizes of adjacent pancakes;
that is, the value $|A^{\prime}_1 - A^{\prime}_2| + |A^{\prime}_2 - A^{\prime}_3| + \cdots + |A^{\prime}_{N-1} - A^{\prime}_N|$, where $A^{\prime}_i$ is the size of the $i$-th pancake from the top.


  • $2 \leq N \leq 300000$
  • $1 \leq A_i \leq 10^9$
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$A_1$ $A_2$ $\cdots$ $A_N$


Print the minimum possible ugliness of the tower.

Sample Input 1

7 14 12 2 6

Sample Output 1


If we do the operation choosing $l = 2$ and $r = 5$, the pancakes will have the sizes of $7, 6, 2, 12, 14$ from top to bottom.

The ugliness here is $|7-6| + |6-2| + |2-12| + |12-14| = 1 + 4 + 10 + 2 = 17$. This is the minimum value possible; there is no way to achieve less ugliness.

Sample Input 2

111 119 999

Sample Output 2


In this sample, not doing the operation minimizes the ugliness.

In that case, the pancakes will have the sizes of $111, 119, 999$ from top to bottom, for the ugliness of $|111-119| + |119-999| = 8 + 880 = 888$.

Sample Input 3

12 15 3 4 15 7

Sample Output 3


If we do the operation choosing $l = 3$ and $r = 5$, the pancakes will have the sizes of $12, 15, 15, 4, 3, 7$ from top to bottom.

The ugliness here is $|12-15| + |15-15| + |15-4| + |4-3| + |3-7| = 3 + 0 + 11 + 1 + 4 = 19$, which is the minimum value possible.

Sample Input 4

100 800 500 400 900 300 700

Sample Output 4


If we do the operation choosing $l = 2$ and $r = 4$, the pancakes will have the sizes of $100, 400, 500, 800, 900, 300, 700$ from top to bottom, for the ugliness of $1800$.

Sample Input 5

535907999 716568837 128214817 851750025 584243029 933841386 159109756 502477913 784673597 603329725

Sample Output 5




我们有 $n$ 堆煎饼,第 $i$ 堆的大小为 $a_i$。现在你需要进行下列操作一次(也可以不进行): - 选择两个整数 $l,r(1 ≤ l < r ≤ n)$ 并且翻转 $l$ 堆到第 $r$ 堆之间的煎饼的顺序。 比如 $a = [1,2,3,4,5]$,你可以选择操作 $[3,5]$,操作后序列变成 $[1,2,5,4,3]$。 找到操作后(或不操作)的序列可能的最小价值。一个煎饼堆的价值定义为 $|a_1 − a_2| + |a_2 − a_3 | + ... + |a_{n−1} − a_n |$。


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