200851: [AtCoder]ARC085 D - ABS

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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

We have a deck consisting of $N$ cards. Each card has an integer written on it. The integer on the $i$-th card from the top is $a_i$.

Two people X and Y will play a game using this deck. Initially, X has a card with $Z$ written on it in his hand, and Y has a card with $W$ written on it in his hand. Then, starting from X, they will alternately perform the following action:

  • Draw some number of cards from the top of the deck. Then, discard the card in his hand and keep the last drawn card instead. Here, at least one card must be drawn.

The game ends when there is no more card in the deck. The score of the game is the absolute difference of the integers written on the cards in the two players' hand.

X will play the game so that the score will be maximized, and Y will play the game so that the score will be minimized. What will be the score of the game?


  • All input values are integers.
  • $1 \leq N \leq 2000$
  • $1 \leq Z, W, a_i \leq 10^9$


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $Z$ $W$
$a_1$ $a_2$ $...$ $a_N$


Print the score.

Sample Input 1

3 100 100
10 1000 100

Sample Output 1


If X draws two cards first, Y will draw the last card, and the score will be $|1000 - 100| = 900$.

Sample Input 2

3 100 1000
10 100 100

Sample Output 2


If X draws all the cards first, the score will be $|1000 - 100| = 900$.

Sample Input 3

5 1 1
1 1 1 1 1

Sample Output 3


Sample Input 4

1 1 1

Sample Output 4




有一堆 $N$ 张牌,每张牌上有一个数,从上到下第 $i$ 牌上面的数为 $a_i$。 两个人 X,Y 用这堆牌玩游戏。一开始,X,Y 手上分别有一张牌,上面的数分别为 $Z,W$,接下来,从 X 开始,两个人会轮流进行如下操作直到牌堆为空: - 拿出牌堆最上方的若干张牌(至少一张),移除自己手上的牌,保留拿出的最后一张牌。 牌堆为空后,这局游戏的得分为 X,Y 手上的牌上的数的差的绝对值。 X 会让最终得分尽可能大,Y 会让最终得分尽可能小。那么,两人按照这样的方式游玩时,最终得分会是多少?

