200691: [AtCoder]ARC069 D - Menagerie

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Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

Snuke, who loves animals, built a zoo.

There are $N$ animals in this zoo. They are conveniently numbered $1$ through $N$, and arranged in a circle. The animal numbered $i (2≤i≤N-1)$ is adjacent to the animals numbered $i-1$ and $i+1$. Also, the animal numbered $1$ is adjacent to the animals numbered $2$ and $N$, and the animal numbered $N$ is adjacent to the animals numbered $N-1$ and $1$.

There are two kinds of animals in this zoo: honest sheep that only speak the truth, and lying wolves that only tell lies.

Snuke cannot tell the difference between these two species, and asked each animal the following question: "Are your neighbors of the same species?" The animal numbered $i$ answered $s_i$. Here, if $s_i$ is o, the animal said that the two neighboring animals are of the same species, and if $s_i$ is x, the animal said that the two neighboring animals are of different species.

More formally, a sheep answered o if the two neighboring animals are both sheep or both wolves, and answered x otherwise. Similarly, a wolf answered x if the two neighboring animals are both sheep or both wolves, and answered o otherwise.

Snuke is wondering whether there is a valid assignment of species to the animals that is consistent with these responses. If there is such an assignment, show one such assignment. Otherwise, print -1.


  • $3 ≤ N ≤ 10^{5}$
  • $s$ is a string of length $N$ consisting of o and x.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If there does not exist an valid assignment that is consistent with $s$, print -1. Otherwise, print an string $t$ in the following format. The output is considered correct if the assignment described by $t$ is consistent with $s$.

  • $t$ is a string of length $N$ consisting of S and W.
  • If $t_i$ is S, it indicates that the animal numbered $i$ is a sheep. If $t_i$ is W, it indicates that the animal numbered $i$ is a wolf.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


For example, if the animals numbered $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, $5$ and $6$ are respectively a sheep, sheep, sheep, wolf, wolf, and sheep, it is consistent with their responses. Besides, there is another valid assignment of species: a wolf, sheep, wolf, sheep, wolf and wolf.

Let us remind you: if the neiboring animals are of the same species, a sheep answers o and a wolf answers x. If the neiboring animals are of different species, a sheep answers x and a wolf answers o.


Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


Print -1 if there is no valid assignment of species.

Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3




## 题目描述 Snuke,一个喜欢动物的人,建立了一个动物园。 一共有n个动物在动物园中,编号 $1-n$ ,被按顺序围成一个圈。 有两种动物:诚实的羊只说真话,不诚实的狼只说假话。 Snuke无法区别这两种动物,他问每只动物以下问题:“你旁边的两只动物是同一种吗?”第i只动物的答案为 $Si$ 。如果 $Si$ 为“o”,则表示相同,“x”则相反。 此外,若羊回答“o”,相邻的生物则都是羊或都是狼,而“x”则相反。若狼回答“x”,相邻的生物则都是羊或狼,而“o”则相反。 Snuke想知道是否有一种可行的排列方式。如果有,输出这种排列。如果没有,则输出“-1”。 注:“S”表示羊,“W”表示狼。


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