Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
403015GYM100965 G Greetings, Belarus000.000%
403016GYM100965 H Simple problem000.000%
403017GYM100965 I Prime000.000%
403018GYM100965 J Squares000.000%
403019GYM100965 K Language000.000%
403033GYM100975 A Black-White Numbers000.000%
403034GYM100975 B Divide et Impere000.000%
403035GYM100975 C Creativity000.000%
403036GYM100975 D Strange Things000.000%
403037GYM100975 E A+B=C000.000%
403038GYM100975 F Simple Calculations000.000%
403039GYM100975 G The Game (Building a Palindrome)000.000%
403040GYM100975 H Sieve Coding000.000%
403041GYM100975 I Ellipse and the Line000.000%
403042GYM100975 J Sea Battle000.000%
403271GYM101097 A Chocolate000.000%
403272GYM101097 B Programming Contest000.000%
403273GYM101097 C Drawing000.000%
403274GYM101097 D Evacuation000.000%
403275GYM101097 E Inspection000.000%
403276GYM101097 F Meteors000.000%
403277GYM101097 G Party000.000%
403278GYM101097 H Periodicity000.000%
403279GYM101097 I Sticks000.000%
403280GYM101097 J Trams000.000%
403664GYM101237 A MEX-Query000.000%
403666GYM101237 C The Palindrome Extraction000.000%
403667GYM101237 D Short Enough Task000.000%
403668GYM101237 E Another Short Problem000.000%
403669GYM101237 F Just Another Sequence Problem000.000%
403670GYM101237 G Total LCS000.000%
403671GYM101237 H Cyclic String000.000%
403672GYM101237 I Circle Clique000.000%
403673GYM101237 J Dividing Area000.000%
403896GYM101365 A Balance000.000%
403897GYM101365 B Cipher000.000%
403898GYM101365 C Hyperboloid Distance000.000%
403899GYM101365 D Real Fun000.000%
403900GYM101365 E Hippopotamus000.000%
403901GYM101365 F Ice-cream Tycoon000.000%
403902GYM101365 G 4-3 King000.000%
403903GYM101365 H Circular Railway000.000%
403904GYM101365 I Shortest Paths000.000%
403905GYM101366 A Perspective000.000%
403906GYM101366 B Yet Another Palindrome000.000%
403907GYM101366 C A Coloring Game000.000%
403908GYM101366 D Black-and-White Triangle000.000%
403909GYM101366 E Numbers000.000%
403910GYM101366 F Traffic Jam000.000%
403911GYM101366 G Largest Circle000.000%
403912GYM101366 H Random Shooting000.000%
403913GYM101366 I Tiny Puzzle000.000%
403914GYM101366 J Thiefs And Cops000.000%
403915GYM101367 A Orthogonal Circles000.000%
403916GYM101367 B Necessary Coins000.000%
403917GYM101367 C Optimal Dartboard000.000%
403918GYM101367 D Heavy Disc000.000%
403919GYM101367 E Deducing Grammar000.000%
403920GYM101367 F Hexagonal Walkaround000.000%
403921GYM101367 G Number Permutations000.000%
403922GYM101367 H k-th Product000.000%
403923GYM101367 I Fast Typing000.000%
403924GYM101368 A Battle000.000%
403925GYM101368 B Beatiful graph000.000%
403926GYM101368 C Control function000.000%
403927GYM101368 D Double cyclic000.000%
403928GYM101368 E Hamiltonian polyhedron000.000%
403929GYM101368 F Rebus000.000%
403930GYM101368 G Problem Stacks000.000%
403931GYM101368 H Unit-distance graph000.000%
403932GYM101368 I Wildcards000.000%
403933GYM101368 J XYZX 2009000.000%
403934GYM101370 A Abelian Groups000.000%
403935GYM101370 B Coins000.000%
403936GYM101370 C Greatest Greatest Common Divisor000.000%
403937GYM101370 D Circular Island000.000%
403938GYM101370 E Octahedron And Dominoesu000.000%
403939GYM101370 F Digits Permutation000.000%
403940GYM101370 G Running City000.000%
403941GYM101370 H Square Palindrome000.000%
403942GYM101370 I Prefixes and suffixes000.000%
403943GYM101370 J Subsequences Of Substrings000.000%
403944GYM101370 K Treediff000.000%
403945GYM101371 A Black-white balls000.000%
403946GYM101371 B Chameleons All Around000.000%
403947GYM101371 C Distinct Substrings000.000%
403948GYM101371 D Fermat’s Last Theorem000.000%
403949GYM101371 E Friendly Points000.000%
403950GYM101371 F Maximal Clique000.000%
403951GYM101371 G Polygon000.000%
403952GYM101371 H Recover path000.000%
403953GYM101371 I Schedule000.000%
403954GYM101371 J Cornerless Tiling000.000%
403972GYM101380 A Enjoy Arithmetic Progressions000.000%
403973GYM101380 B Cheater Detection000.000%
403974GYM101380 C Completely Non-zero Determinant000.000%
403975GYM101380 D Disconnected Graph000.000%
403976GYM101380 E Expanding Lake000.000%
403977GYM101380 F Discrete Logarithm Graph000.000%
403978GYM101380 G Questionable Genetic Detection000.000%